Sonder Script

How to Create Mega-Dopamine for Your Brand's Audience

Ever wondered why some content is as addictive as the season finale of your favourite TV show?

Yeah, you guessed it—it’s all about that mega-dopamine.

When you’re utterly hooked, that electric charge runs through your brain neurons and veins.

At Sonder, we’re saying hell-no to scammy marketing tactics and focusing on creating the content audiences truly enjoy.

So, grab your director’s chair because we’re diving deep into how to turn your brand’s script into a dopamine-pumping blockbuster.

Ready for your close-up?

What do we mean by mega-dopamine?

Let’s cut the industry jargon and talk human for a hot minute.
Mega-dopamine is the good stuff—feel-good, motivating, and inspiring words and actions your audience craves.

Think of it as the golden ticket in dopamine marketing.

You’re rewarding your audience with content they can’t resist, and no, we’re not talking crummy-scammy tactics or robotic sales pitches.

This real, authentic connection is tailored to fit your audience like a glove.

Make ’em feel like the James Bond of your brand universe.

Why you should aim for mega-dopamine in your copy, content and storytelling

Your brand as the Yoda to your audience’s Luke Skywalker, imparting wisdom and showing the path to victory. 

It’s storytelling, but not as you know it. 


Because when you hit your audience with that mega-dopamine, you’re not just another brand. 

You’re their mentor, their guide, their hero. 

We’re talking loyalty levels that would make even a Jedi knight blush. 

And in a world chock-full of static noise, isn’t that the dream?

How to create mega-dopamine for your audience

Ready to turn your brand into a dopamine machine? Let’s go! 

🧠 Deep-Dive Discovery:

Know your audience like the back of your script.

What are their fears, desires, and secret dreams?

✍️ Nail the Script:

Once you know what makes your audience tick, craft your Brand Script to mirror their aspirations.

Speak their language!

🏆 Rewarding Experiences:

From personalised offers to exclusive behind-the-scenes content, make your audience feel VIP.

Truthfully, your content shouldn’t feel like content – it should entertain, engage, educate, provide value, and ultimately make your audience feel something.


😎 Be Human:

Lose the salesy tone – not a single sausage wants to be sold to.

Even Keanu Reeves and Sandy Bullock won’t be able to save the speed of your audiences’ scroll past!

Make it genuine, focus on fostering a real connection and you’ll see the dopamine levels shoot up.

📊 Test, Tweak, Triumph:

Always be ready to adapt.

Any marketer telling you there is an exact formula for virality or success is selling you a big, fat, chunky lie*.

Test your messaging, see what sticks, and double down.

(*we said what we said…)

The Final Cut: Reel ‘Em in with Mega-Dopamine!

Alright, folks, that’s a wrap!

If you want your brand to be the talk of the town, the blockbuster hit of the season, then mega-dopamine is your secret weapon.

Trust us, this isn’t your grandmother’s marketing spiel. It’s storytelling so addictive your audience won’t just stick around; they’ll be begging for the sequel.

Fancy becoming the next Scorsese of storytelling?

Book a deep-dive discovery call with Sonder, and let’s start scripting your brand’s mega-dopamine journey today.

Did we have you at hello? 🍿