Sonder Script

Why You Aren't Your Brand's Main Character

You’ve spent days, weeks , months building a unique identity for your brand.

You’ve spent precious hours crafting your marketing content too, shouting about your services and all the great things your brand represents.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking you’re the lead role in your brand story.

But here’s the truth:

Your brand isn’t the main character in your marketing narrative.

Your audience is.


Your audience deserves main character energy, with you in the director’s chair.

Consider yourself the Goose to their Maverick; the Donkey to their Shrek.

You’re guiding the story, but it’s your audience who should be stealing the spotlight.


Why is it important to make your audience the star of the show?

🦸Your Audience Is the Hero of Their Own Story

Everyone is the protagonist of their own life story.

And your audience is no exception.

Think about it:

Your audience is made up of unique human beings, each with their own goals, challenges, dreams and desires.

They care about HOW you solve their challenges and help them reach their goals.

By positioning your audience as the main character, you’re telling them “I got you, boo”

When your audience knows you’re on the same team? *chefs kiss*

That’s where the magic happens.

👏 Relatability Builds Trust

Louder for the people at the back!

We gravitate to content that speaks to us.

At the most basic level, all humans want to feel understood.

It’s how we’re wired.

Making sure your audience feels seen and understood is the first step to building trust and credibility in your brand.

💛Loyalty is Powerful

People that stick around become advocates for your brand.

They champion what you do.

They refer your business to people in their circle.

When your audience feels valued by your brand, they’ll stay tuned for the whole damn feature film!

How to give your audience main character energy

Two words:



Arguably the most powerful tools in your marketing toolbox.

And here’s the best part:

We’ve crafted *the* Oscar-winning formula that helps you tell your brand story in a way that hooks your dream audience.

Want in on the action?

Your journey to crafting your binge-worthy brand script starts here.

Grab your popcorn and book a deep-dive discovery call with Sonder:

Let’s do this thang!